1 min readNov 25, 2020


Week 1 & Week 2 — cs50

What I learned (Week 1) is :

  1. How the binary language work and the counting systems (decimal, binary , hexa-decimal)
  2. An idea of the input/output process
  3. Algorithms or what happens in the “Black Box” (Input ->BLACK BOX -> Output) — Step by step instruction for solving some problem.
  4. Boolean expression — question to which the answer have just two answers : Yes or No

Summery: That lectures was touching on some processes that happens or that a powering the computer but nothing in particular for the “C” Language.

Week 2 — cs50

Now we are making our first steps into the language of “C”.

The different types of variables (int, long, float, string, etc. …), logical operators, making your own functions and getting to know a new ones.

It’s a lot for beginner but with lots of practice and persistence it’s conceivable. Its early to express what I feel right now and I don’t think I will be able to do it any time soon given the amount of information I am suppose to comprehend and the amount of hours I have to put into practice. I just have to be patient.


